MIUI developed by Xiaomi Tech, is an aftermarket firmware for cell phones based on the open-source Android operating system.Although some components like Patchrom are open-source, MIUI's kernel is closed source, and thus is in breach of Linux kernel's GPL. It features a heavily modified user interface that does away with the Android app drawer and has drawn comparisons with Apple's iOS and Samsung's TouchWiz UI.The Custom ROMincludes additional functionality not found in stock Android, including toggles on the notification pull-down, new music, gallery, and camera apps, and an altered phone dialer that displays matching contacts as a user enters a number.
MIUI is based on Android Jelly Bean (2.3.x Gingerbread and CyanogenMod 9 sources for older versions), and was initially developed in the Chinese language by Chinese startup Xiaomi. Xiaomi added a number of apps to enhance the basic framework; those include MITalk (a Blackberry Messenger clone), MINotes, MIBackup, MIMusic, and MIGallery.
Updates are usually provided over-the-air every Friday. MIUI is then translated and ported in unofficial versions to other languages by independent developers. The list of supported phones may or may not be complete, and ROMs are very similar but not identical. The list of translations can be found on the MIUI official site.
MIUI is made up of two parts, MI and UI, where UI stands for User Interface and MI, as stated by Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun, stands for Mobile Internet and Mission Impossible.
Xiaomi Phone
Xiaomi has released four smartphones: the Xiaomi MI-One, the Xiaomi MI2, the Xiaomi Hongmi, and the Xiaomi MI3, all of which come pre-installed with MIUI
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